www.gusucode.com > 茶都拼客网全功能版 8 > 茶都拼客网全功能版 8.8源码程序/teasdxmccom/茶都拼客网V8.8(全功能,无限制,完全开源)/Ku_type/Index_dh.asp

    <div align="center">
	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="28" width="880">

    Dim TopSortSql,RsTopSort,daohang,hide
    TopSortSql="select top 9 * from Gu_kind where ((B_id=0 or daohang<>'') and hide<>1) and Hdaohang=1 order by order_1"
    Set RsTopSort=conn.execute (TopSortSql)
    With RsTopSort
    if .eof and .bof then
    Response.write "<td align='center'>没有栏目</td>"
    do while not .eof
    if RsTopSort("daohang")<>"" then

    end if
    response.write "<td>"
    response.write "<div align=right>"
    response.write "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=30>"
    response.write "<tr>"
    response.write "<td align=center>"
    if RsTopSort("blank")=true then

    Response.Write("<A href='"&daohang&"' target='_blank' class='gu1'>"  & RsTopSort("artname") & "</a>")
        response.write "&nbsp;&nbsp;"    
    response.write "<font color='#6699FF'>|</font>"
    Response.Write("<A href='"&daohang&"' class='gu1'>"  & RsTopSort("artname") & "</a>")
    response.write "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
    response.write "<font color='#6699FF'>|</font>"

    end if
    response.write "</td>"

    response.write "</tr>"
    response.write "</table>"
    response.write "</div>"
    response.write "</td>"
    end if 
    End With
    Set RsTopSort=Nothing

